When pride finds an entrance into our hearts, we must root it out with the pure love of Our Heavenly Father!!
Pride is an evil and foul spirit that must surrender and leave, in the name of Jesus! Pride is an inordinate love of self that is idolatry, that desires recognition, accolade, and credit, and demands that others bow to worship and acknowledge it.
1 Corinthians 13 explains that love that is from God, “is not rude,” it “does not boast,” and it “does not parade itself,” or “seek its own.” Anyone who does these things is not operating in the love of God!
James 4:6 says that, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Proverbs 16:19 says “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
We should never have a haughty attitude towards others, demand that they recognize us, or envy them, or think we are better than they are.
Some people are too proud to apologize sincerely, or ask for forgiveness. And they insist they are right without humbling themselves with genuine apology, grace and repentance.
Others puff themselves up with the accolades of man, and with their need to feel superior, that they fail to express genuine love, sincerity, humility, and kindness to others. And they don’t follow the Golden Rule that Jesus commanded, to do unto others as we would have others do to us!
Pride is an addiction to a grandeur that is not in line with the lowly nature of Christ. It is a false attempt to achieve importance, power, position, prestige, admiration, vain glory, and significance, that Our Father in Heaven has already granted the pure versions of such to each one of His sons and daughters who are humbly obedient to Him.
As we follow the Lord Jesus, let us walk in the Light of His Love! Let us lift others up. Let us build each other up. Let’s seek not just those things that are of our own interests, but also the interest of others.
Let us walk not in pride but in love! May we keep the greatest commandments that instruct us to love the Lord with all our hearts and minds, strength and spirit, and love our neighbor as ourselves!
Enjoy this week’s Full Edition: A devotional, “Don’t Be Prideful,” with Minister, Billy Harper, a “Pasta Bake,” with Dr. Deborah, and worship song, “Awestruck,” by Galen Daniel James Harper!
All here this week, on Magnolia Place!