Living from day to day during a Covid-19 pandemic, political tensions are heightened, social interaction is discouraged, financial security is uncertain, and many find themselves fed up or just tired. Many choose to relieve their stresses by pursuing other methods of comfort that still leave them empty, hopeless, afraid, angry, or still in want. This is toil and not the “rest” God created. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day, God rested (Gen 1:1). However, God is never tired, and never requires a vacation. He did not establish rest for Himself but for mankind, because God is rest. When God placed Adam in the garden of Eden, his very first day on the planet was the Sabbath, the day of rest.  

It is important to note that man’s decision to not obey God resulted in toil for all of mankind. In Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV). Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Therefore, if we find ourselves toiling and growing weary, we can find rest in Jesus. What does that rest look like, and how do we experience it? Here are a few steps we can take toward that rest:

  1. Come to Jesus
    • Do not harden your heart (Hebrews 3:11). Surrender and let go of your own agenda. In Matthew 16:24 (NJV). Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”  
  2. Take His yoke and learn of Him 
    • Partner with God. He is much stronger than we are. There may be some apprehension to accepting the yoke, but learning of Jesus by wearing His yoke qualifies us for entry into his rest. In turn, we can go to places that are uncommon and do new things never experienced – this is to learn of Him. 

Rest is not a thing we do; it is a position of the heart. Rest is available for those with a willingness to surrender without understanding every detail of who Jesus is. We do not always understand why all the laws of man exist on roads, highways, and in varying locals, but we obey. This obedience has been birthed from a trust that has been developed, even when lacking a full understanding of the laws. 

Similarly, Jesus is inviting us to trust in Him with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding, acknowledging Him in all ways and He will direct our path. Come to Jesus, giving your heart, mind, soul, and strength to Him. Read your Bible and let it till the heart of your soul to receive the proceeding word of God. Allow your heart to remain soft to the Lord in obedience to Him as the Holy Spirit prompts you, because in His rest there is freedom from the bondage of fear, and there is a peace that surpasses all understanding.


Editor’s note:

“Let Us Pray…Dear Gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you that you’re merciful and that you lift every heavy burden from us! Thank you, Father that every weight and burden of oppression, you willingly and all-powerfully remove from us! We thank you Lord, that you give us your compassionate concern, and that you teach us to rest and learn from you. You are the mighty God who lifts the heavy-laiden burdens from our hearts! And we give you praise for that! Lord, we ask you to forgive us for toiling in our own efforts to bring some thing about. We choose to rest in you and receive your strength as we are yoked together with you! Thank you, oh mighty God that you both guide, and teach us in all things! We give you praise! And we ask that you help us in all these matters, in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen!”

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