As I was waiting on the Lord to write He showed me a picture of a rainbow with an encouragement to not give up on the promises He’s given.

His plans for each one of us is to have life, abundant life, to receive all Jesus paid for.

Abundant life is anchored in knowing that you are loved, simply for who you are.

I remember when I became a follower of Jesus, I encountered His Grace when I received forgiveness and I received the Holy Spirit. My life was changed forever. I didn’t really notice at first that I felt distant from the Father. Jesus said He is the way and if He is the way then there is a destination – His Father. Subconsciously I believed God the Father was too busy to really pay attention to me personally until I received revelation that my earthly father was my first picture of “father”, like glasses I looked through to who God the Father is. My earthly father was distant and didn’t know how to show his love as he was a very broken man. I used to believe in my head that God the Father loved me but when it became

His plans for each one of us is to have life, abundant life, to receive all Jesus paid for. Abundant life is anchored in knowing that you are loved, simply for who you are. I remember when I became a follower of Jesus, I encountered His Grace when I received forgiveness and I received the Holy Spirit. My life was changed forever. I didn’t really notice at first that I felt distant from the Father. Jesus said He is the way and if He is the way then there is a destination – His Father. Subconsciously I believed God the Father was too busy to really pay attention to me personally until I received revelation that my earthly father was my first picture of “father”, like glasses I looked through to who God the Father is. My earthly father was distant and didn’t know how to show his love as he was a very broken man. I used to believe in my head that God the Father loved me but when it became a revelation in my heart it transformed me.

My life changed from doing to receive love and acceptance to living my life from a place of knowing that I’m loved and accepted – I became “daughter”. It was a journey looking at my relationship with my earthly father, not to dishonor him or even blame him but for my own healing. By identifying the lies I believed about “father”, forgiving my earthly father and repenting for my part I’m able to receive the truth of who God the Father is, the perfect Father who is kind, compassionate, slow to anger, in a good mood, who believes the best and wants the best for me, and He always has time for me. He is safe, He is my Protector and He is my Provider. He loves me just the way I am but loves me too much to leave me the way I am.

You are loved by your Heavenly Father, Abba, Father God. Romans 8:15.

You are His treasure and nothing or nobody can ever change that.

You are loved.

Article Written By: Marguerite Evans

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